Wednesday 20 May 2015

Andy Goldsworthy

Andy Goldsworthy was born on the 26th of July 1956, and is a British artist and a main figure in the environmental  art movement.  Goldsworthy uses sculpture and photography, to create and capture his work, which is often in the style of Land Art, which is often situated in rural and urban settings. His work is often very bright and colourful, and is mainly created using all organic medium, within a natural setting.  Goldsworthy often only uses natural tools to create his work, including his bare hands, teeth, and found tools.

Gerry Barry

land water art instalation gerry barry 610x413 Eco art   Environmental land art by artist Gerry Barry Gerry Barry is an Irish artist, who is part of the Environmental art movement. Most of his work is Land art style, using organic media and the environment around him, to create unique pieces of art.  His work is mostly circular, crescent or spiral in shape, and water is often a main element within his work. The organic media helps him to create a very striking and clever art installations within beautiful landscapes in the Irish countryside. 

 land fire art instalation 610x411 Eco art   Environmental land art by artist Gerry Barry

Enviromental Art

Environmental art is an art movement which uses historical and tradition practices of combining nature and the environment with art. Environmental art often includes tackling issues about the environment, and can often be ecological or politically motivated types of work. The work mainly displays the connection between artist and nature, promoting looking after the environment and using natural materials within art.

Peter Blake

Sir Peter Thomas Blake was born on the  25th June 1932, and is an English artist who was a pioneer of the Pop art movement. Blake takes influences from popular culture, advertising, celebrities, new, patterns, and famous imagery, to create unique, colourful work. His work often includes a montage of different images and subject matters, to create one picture. He is most famous for co-creating the sleeve design for the Beatles album, Peppers Lonely Hearts Club. 

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol was born on the 6th of August 1928 and died on the 22nd of February 1987.Warhol was one of the main figures of the Pop art movement during the 1960's, along with others. His work follows the conventions of the Pop art movement, looking at current culture, news, advertising and celebrities through his work. Warhol became a very successful, and was renowned for being quite a controversial artist. One of Warhol's most famous work, was a series of images focusing on Campbell's soup tins. He also did a variety of  other work, focusing on many different subject matters and topics, while in keeping with the Pop art style. 

Roy Lichtenstein

Roy Fox Lichtenstein was born on the 27th of October 1923 and died on the 29th of September 1997, and was an artist part of the Pop art movement. Lichtenstein was one of the leading figures in the new art movement during the 1960's. Liechtenstein's work mainly used the influence of comic strips, and was often in tongue-in-cheek style. His work matches the conventions of the Pop art style, using bright colours, in a cartoon style way, to create striking, powerful images. Lichtenstein's work often included text, in keeping with comic strip style. 



Pop Art

Pop art is an art movement that began during the 1950's, in both Britain and the USA.  Pop art started a very new kind of art, taking aspects of fine art but with a much more modern style, taking influences from modern culture such as well known figures, music, advertising and current news. Pop art takes influences from abstract expressionism, to create this very unique style of art. The concept of this art movement is based on not as much to the art itself, but as to the attitudes that led to it.